Nagoya Meshi Find a restaurant

Ankake Spaghetti
Nearest subway station Fushimi

Ankake Taro Terrasse Nayabashi store

  • delivery
  • Take-out

Opening on August 2024, 8! This time they'll be targeting the stomachs of Nayabashi boys!

Opening hours 11:00am ~ 21:00am
Closing days Open XNUMX days a week
Address Nagoya City, Naka Ward, Sakae 1-2-49
Terrasse Nayabashi 2F
(Inside Terrasse Nayabashi Food Court)

*Published contents are subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.

  • Nagoya Meshi restaurant guide map PDF version downloadNagoya Meshi restaurant guide map PDF version download

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